This map has been created to highlight some of the historically significant buildings, locations and stories within Middlesbrough Historic Quarter.
We have identified 16 of these with the help of a local historian p.a.morbid, working with Teesside Archives, Middlesbrough Libraries and members of the local community. The locations have been selected to shine a light on some familiar and lesser-known areas of the town’s history, connecting our modern High Street with the High Street Heritage Action Zone.
Photographs and a series of short films bringing to life areas within the Historic Quarter are available below.
Printed copies of the map are available from various venues within the historic quarter and The Masham, or alternatively you can download it here.
Click on each number to find out more.
Footage, photography and archival material courtesy of Middlesbrough Reference Library, Teesside Archives, Marks & Spencer archive, p. a. morbid, Matthew Ward and Rachel Deakin. Films by Dubedesigned.