Urban spaces and heritage assets with Chris Mayes – Talk followed by Q&A
Friday 25th November, 11am – 12noon
The Masham, 27 Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 1RL
Join Navigator North at The Masham, for an informal talk by Chris Mayes, landscape architect at Historic England. Chris will be outlining the different approaches to public realm improvements and how these have shaped the development of Zetland Road in Middlesbrough’s Historic Quarter.
The focus will be on how the usability and character of significant historic spaces in the urban environment can be improved using contemporary design and materials. Highlights will include the subtle ways design of public realm can be used to make us more aware of heritage assets in our urban spaces.
‘I’m a chartered member of the Landscape Institute (a landscape architect) working for Historic England across the North of England. I’ve been exploring the opportunities for urban realm improvement schemes in historic places since 2006 when working on projects in the centre of Hereford. I’m particularly focussed on creating spaces that work for both pedestrians and motor vehicles but placing greater emphasis on the historic uses of streets by pedestrians.’ – Chris Mayes.
To guarantee your place for this free event please reserve a place by booking through the Eventbrite link here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/urban-spaces-and-heritage-assets-with-chris-mayes-tickets-469567698627
Facebook event page – https://fb.me/e/3ai4l2PyO